Thursday, December 11, 2008

YouTube Job?

Thats awesome!!! On youtube there is anything. You could make a talk show, funny videos, music videos, or even video dairy about your everyday life. Making money off of having fun is so cool! That could make you famous. Artist could be more known and get paid for it. It would take time to actually get real money but its possible. How easy?!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Touch Screens

Touch Screens are cool but they aren't all necessary. People will probably get tired of them and would just want to go back with the mouse and keyboards. The touch screen phone look awesome but I could think they would break way more easy or get major scratches.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Dumb Black Friday

I heard about a man dying from a group of people wanting to get gifts for Christmas at Walmart on black Friday. My heart goes to the family and people dealing with this tragedy. It really shows how much people have obsessions for things. I have obsessions BUT not to the point that it kill someone and be mad about it! The whole world needs to calm down and spend time with family and friends and be thankful to have the people you love around you, instead of getting a discount of a video game or whatever!