Thursday, November 20, 2008


Myspace is a pretty awesome thing on the Internet. I have a myspace and lots of friends on it. But mostly bands. That is where I find cool new bands and bands that are alike. There are some bad things on myspace that dont need to be on there like people threatening each other or starting a bad rumor but thats just people manipulating the situation. I keep in touch with alot of people. I also learned so much from myspace and their codes. I can make a layout and understand the html codes, because when I first got a myspace in 2005 I didnt get it and I finally just studied the codes and what not. This web design class has to do some of that and I feel like I understand a lot of it. Myspace could have maybe just helped me think of being a web designer in my furture.

CO2 Rock

This a rock that can react with CO2 and cause it to not have so much CO2 in the air. To much CO2 can be toxic and very dangerous for us. This could also could help with the greenhouse effect which means the roles of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases in keeping the Earth's surface warmer and make it not be a huge concern if the rocks takes some of that in. Also all the pollution can decrease down keeping our world a little bit more cleaner.

Monday, November 17, 2008


The DesCom and Samsung Amoled Concept are the coolest laptops. I think that there will be a competition between the two but for sure someone will either have a laptop or just a phone or even both!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I really dont like it when its winter time. I can never do anything and my mom doesnt like to take me anywhere. When I hear its snow it just reminds me that I have to be stuck at home with nothing to do. I hope things change and maybe my mom and I can get a better car for the winter and I wont be locked up in my house! I dont snowboard or nothing like that. I dont have the money or the love for it like other people.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jobs in the Computer World

Web writers-People who write Web Blogs supported by advertising. Depending your topic, the interest level, and your number of readers, you can make a lot of money writing on the Web.

Running your own Web site -You can get into Web design by building and maintaining your personal site to get your business or whatever you want on the web for people to see.

Web reviewers -You write reviews of books, art, movies, or whatever and post them to a Web site.

Freelance Web Designers -You design Web sites for other people on a freelance basis.

Working for Adobe-You have to have major talent but it be an amazing job.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I knew that it be such a close call and I didnt know who would of one. I wasnt really even on anyones side. But Barack Obama won and that will be a change. I was glad to encounter history with the first black president! Life styles have certainly changed with racism. Finally people are getting over that!