Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20, 2009

I just watched Barack Obama make his speech being our new president. He talked about change and how he is going to make the U.S. better. It is a big change for him being African American elected. I feel pretty over whelmed in this situation and I dont know how to feel. Its a little scary but a good change. I cant wait to see what happens next!


ParrottBay said...

i can't wait to see what happens either. it's going to be interesting

MCVeDepo said...

It's odd you feel overwhelmed already when nothing has really changed yet except a man for our president. But i agree i'm excited

Brookelynn said...

Dude I almost said the same thing as you did pretty much so I guess Great minds think alike huh!?!

Raul said...

Yeah i cant wait to see wat happems either.

Anonymous said...

i dont know how i feel about the whole thing yet, we'll have to wait and see.

God's Not Dead, Just Society As We Know It! said...

It's strange how things much things have changed since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was fighting for equal rights among races.

CHILOSA said...

hey well nice blogge but yea i think it is going to be exciting to see wat will happen

Willi said...

Ya with Barack as the new president things should change and hopefully bring us out of this economic recession.

Anonymous said...

im excited to live through an major historical event.

Anonymous said...

im excited to live through an major historical event.