Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Rapture

I watched some movies on the Rapture, The Left Behind and The Moment After. I have also been reading the bible on it but its in Revelation and most say its the hardest part in the bible to understand and I agree. But watching the movies helped me understand a lot of it. The Left behind has 3 parts I have seen 1 and 3 but not yet the 2nd part. The Moment After is 2 parts and I have seen the 1st one and excited to watch the 2nd one. I am very interested in this because I can't wait til God comes back. In the bible he said he will be coming soon, which could mean a second, minute, hour, or even weeks. A blink to God could be a 100 years for us. The Rapture is the second coming of God. First he will take all Gods believers and bring them in the clouds and be with the already dead except for about 144,000 of Gods followers to serve him and tell others on the earth about God. There will then be a one world bank, just a inplant in your hand, no more paper money and their will be the beast, a man that takes over the world. And the world will be hell.

I think the reason why most people don't believe in this is because they are scared and it is a little hard to believer, but I'm not I cant wait to go to heaven but I still need to find my purposes in life here on earth.


Anonymous said...

i know it is gonna be so sick, i mean if it happens in our lifetime. which in a way i hope it does ya know. i mean i love my life dont get me wrong, but to be going about your day like normal one second and then be experiencing God's glory the next would just be AMAZING!

Dr. P said...

This sounds very interesting. I would love to learn more about all of this stuff. I think believing in something like this can be very powerful and also very don't stop believing :)